Muay Thai Kickboxing in Chiang Mai, Thailand

7 Jul

Muay-Thai Kickboxing, Chiang MaiWhen Regina and I rented a place in Chiang Mai for 3 weeks, I decided to take a one-on-one muay thai kickboxing training session.

I experimented with various martial arts when I was younger and though I always dreamed of traveling to different countries to study their martial art, I had not done any “ass-kicking” in many years. Heck, it had been months since I ran a hundred yards – nevermind actually doing cardio or any other intensive workouts.

Needless to say, I knew I was in for a challenge when I finally decided to go for it.

If you have ever been in Chiang Mai, you will know that “train with Thai-boxing champion” posters are up everywhere. In fact, Chiang Mai is known to martial artists as “THE” place to go to when studying Muay Thai kickboxing. So it was not too hard to do a little research and apply for a one-on-one session with a so called champion.

The gym I went to was just outside of the city and was about a 15 minute ride with a tuk-tuk (about 150 baht one way). In hindsight, I should have just rented a scooter for the day (for about 200 baht) and then I would have at least had a ride back into town. It being out of town, there were no tuk-tuks around when I was done my training – so the trainer’s dad ended up giving me a ride back into town for another 150 baht.

The training was phenomenal. I was surprised at how much muscle memory I still had over the many years of inactivity. That is not to say I was any good – but I was surprised at myself nonetheless!

My session was only for an hour and it cost me 600 baht, but it was money well spent in my opinion. I could have come to a group session that they offered for significantly less money and if I had gone more often, I probably would have checked it out, but for a one-time visit I figured it would be best to get some one-on-one pointers straight from the champ himself 😀


I came in sports shorts, but was given kickboxing shorts to put on for the training, so that was not an issue. His English was pretty good, so communication was never an issue either. All in all, I will say I had a really good time training and would do it again in a heart-beat. I have to say though: I was pretty burned out – physically – after that one hour.

If you are in Chiang Mai and are looking for a Muay Thai-kickboxing champ to train with, I would recommend you check out Chay Yai Muay Thai. I will never forget the experience 🙂

6 thoughts on “Muay Thai Kickboxing in Chiang Mai, Thailand

  1. Too bad you didn’t get someone to take a video of the session. Now, that would have been something to see.

    So, how much is 600 baht in dollar value. I’ve never been there before so I have absolutely no idea 😉

    If I could make a small suggestion it would be to add a plugin that would notify people when someone replies to their comment. Great for keeping the discussion going.

    • Excellent thought, Sire. I will keep that in mind should I ever redo a session 🙂
      600 Baht is approximately $20 USD. Well worth it in my opinion!

      In regards to the plugin you mention: I believe we have one installed that does that. Which one do you use/recommend?

      • Are you kidding? At $20 he’s giving his service away, considering hes a professional and all. For one on one personal training that is unreal.

        As for the plugin, it seems you already have one installed as I did receive notification that you replied. Ergo my return visit. 😉

        It’s just that you normally need to click a box to subscribe.

  2. Those prices seem pretty reasonable. Are you required to do any extra training between the morning and afternoon classes, like running? I know in Phuket they have a similar training regiment but everyone runs between classes.

  3. I think that’s an excellent price. I could even see myself doing the general fitness thing. That would be enough of an experience for me!

  4. Well, now I’ve gotta add “Muay Thai training in Thailand” to the bucket list… Never thought I’d say that, but by the looks of it, it’s completely awesome. And for only $20? Sign me up.

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