Stefanie Kilts says “Why Not?” to World Travel

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The only thing more awesome than the slow-travel lifestyle is the people you meet and get to know along the way. The stories you can share, memories you can create, or the inspiration such people can bring is… ... Read more »

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It’s crazy how fast time flies when you’re having fun. A year ago – on Olivia’s first birthday – we boarded the plane in Calgary and made our way to Chiang Mai, Thailand. Fast forward one year ... Read more »

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While globe trotting has a way of adding interesting experiences to one’s life, nothing is more magical than doing it as a couple and making those memories together. Whether it’s the tourist racing a scooter down the wrong ... Read more »

We’re Back in Chiang Mai, Thailand

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If you have been following us for any length of time, you will know that we returned home to Canada in April of 2013 after traveling through South East Asia for 17 months. Much to the disappointment of ... Read more »