As this post goes live, I will be high on extremely potent drugs. In fact, I am probably sound asleep due to general anesthesia administered to me at a Calgary oral surgery center. Long story short, I am having a couple back teeth removed surgically.
go to linkCod Tramadol Online Despite that though, I figured it was a good idea to prewrite a short post reflecting on the day exactly 3 years ago – November 11, 2011 – when Regina and I rolled our big suitcases into the Calgary airport. Still wet behind the ears as far as traveling together was concerned, we were eager to take a leap of faith and do something no-one in our circles had ever done before: Live 1 to 1 and half years in South East Asia just for the heck of it.
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After exploring Beijing, China for a couple days due to a delayed flight, we arrived in Phuket, Thailand. The plan was to spend a week there, but we quickly decided to instead take the bus to Krabi town, Krabi province, Thailand – which happened to be the destination we planned on spending some time at. We spent a total of 8 months there – renting a huge duplex just on the outskirts of Krabi town. We loved it. It was not only close to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world – but was home to some of the most incredible people we had ever met. From there, we moved on and explored not only other parts of Thailand, but Malaysia, Indonesia (Bali), Singapore, Laos, and Vietnam as well. As I hinted at in a previous post, it was life changing. Cheap Cod We returned to Canada in April of 2013. Due to multiple reasons that I’ll discuss in another post, we decided to settle down for 6 to 12 months in Calgary, Alberta. That has turned into us being here for 17 months – partially due to us finding out we were expecting our baby girl – Olivia Joy Leilani. She is just over 4 months old now – but sure has been an amazing addition to the nomadic family. get link Not only that though. She brought with her a whole new un-thought-of aspect for our planned out life of travel.
Buy Diazepam Withoutsource In other words, we haven’t given up on our dream of world travel. We simply have adjusted how we are going to go about it (now that there is three of us) 🙂
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go here Which brings me to… A Peek Into the Future:
sourcefollow We always knew that we – eventually – wanted to travel again. In fact, every fiber of our being couldn’t wait for the day we’d hit the road again. So about a month ago, Regina and I sat down and figured out how reasonably soon we could travel again.
go to siteclick Being parents now, we decided to think things through a bit more and go with a safe plan that we’d feel comfortable executing as a family. So… come spring 2015, we hope to have our suitcases packed, and just like last time, plan on heading to Krabi, Thailand again. This time around we’re aiming for the outskirts of Ao Nang – just to be even closer to Krabi’s beautiful beaches.
Buying Tramadol In Canada I know we have been a bit slack with our updates on here but – expect to hear from the 3 of us more regularly soon again. We can’t wait to get back to living the nomadic lifestyle and are looking forward to sharing the journey with you when we do. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.